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Our firm is pleased to provide you with a recap of tax law changes, a tax organizer, and other links and resources to help you in income tax preparation, filing, and followup.


Tax Law Changes for 2020 Tax Year

A recap of more significant, recent tax law changes, an explanation of changes in mortgage interest deductions, and a list of qualified medical deductions.

Key Legislative Changes Affecting Individuals and Small Business for 2020/2019/2018/2017© 
As Provided in the Secure Act 2020, Cares Act, Taxpayer First Act 2019; TCDTR Act of 2019 and Tax Cuts and Jobs Act - 2017

The information provided herein was obtained from various sources believed to be accurate at the time posted, however, tax laws and regulations are subject to change daily. Due to the complex nature of tax law you are advised to obtain tax and or legal counsel from a qualified CPA, attorney or other professional whichever the case may be.

The receipt by you of this communication or our receipt of your communication does not establish a client accountant relationship or tax advice, and you may not, and you agree not to, rely upon this information unless we receive/have received and accept you as a client by way of affirmation with a written engagement letter that encompasses the information covered within this communication.

IRS - Where's My Refund?


GA Dept. of Revenue - Where's My Refund?


Tax Organizer


Get My Payment

Link to look up the status of your stimulus payment and obtain amount received.

New Client Forms



Engagement Letter - Business

Engagement Letter - Individual

Billing Information


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